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Why Swap Crypto on GoldexPlus

Enjoy competitive rates, get access to rare market pairs, and earn instant crypto rewards with the smartest exchange out there.


We Crunch the Numbers for You

You don't have to look around for the best price. Our Smart Routing System connects to the top 10 exchanges at once, providing you with the most cost-effective execution possible.


Choose Between 19+ Pairs

The GoldexPlus Exchange is an anything-to-anything exchange where you can swap seamlessly between almost any two supported cryptocurrencies.


Pay Exactly What You See

Unlike most exchanges where prices might fluctuate by up to 5%, GoldexPlus fixes the rate the moment you place your order. That means the price you see is the price you pay.


Move with Lightning Speed

The crypto market moves fast, so should you. Exchange any of the available market pairs in real time. Your balances are updated instantly, the moment your order is confirmed.


Swap While You Earn

All new assets are placed directly in your Savings Wallet, meaning you’re always earning high-yield interest – even in between swaps.

More Swaps, More Rewards

Depending on your Loyalty tier, you can earn up to 0.1% in instant crypto rewards for every swap you make on the GoldexPlus Exchange.

How the GoldexPlus Exchange Works

Buy, sell, and swap intuitively – whatever your experience level.

Open the GoldexPlus Platform

Go to the GoldexPlus platform or the GoldexPlus app, click on the Exchange tab and select the buy, sell, or swap option.

Select a Currency Pair

Pick the currency you want to pay with, the currency you would like to receive, and the amount you would like to exchange.

Complete the Transaction

Click 'Transaction' to review your transaction and finalize it by selecting the 'Exchange' button. That's it, you're all set!

More Ways to Get the Best Out of GoldexPlus

Our products are even more powerful when used together.

Buy Crypto

Buy crypto instantly and securely with just the tap of a button. Choose from +19 different digital assets.

Earn Interest

With GoldexPlus’s Earn Crypto Interest suite you can get up to 80% APR on your idle assets, paid out monthly.

High Rates

With GoldexPlus, you can participate in the highest monthly BUSD return reward systems up to 80%.

Ready to Swap?

Open your GoldexPlus account today and start buying, selling, and exchanging crypto hassle-free.

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